b'Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into 8 equal portions. On a lightly floured surface, roll out each dough piece into a thin circle about 6 inches in diameter. Place W cup of the chilled peach filling into the center of each dough round. Fold the dough over, making a half-moon-shaped pastry; trim any excess dough, leaving a V-inch edge around the filling, and crimp the edges together with a fork. Chill the pies for 30 minutes. In a large, heavy skillet, melt the extra vegetable shortening to a depth of about V inch. Heat the shortening to 350 degrees. Meanwhile, line a baking sheet with paper towels and sprinkle some of the extra sugar lightly over the paper towels. Fry the pies in the skillet, in batches, until golden brown on both sides, about 2 minutes on each side. Transfer to the paper-towel-lined baking sheet and sprinkle the tops of the pies with sugar. Serve immediately with vanilla bean gelato.Enjoy.'