b'Herb Risotto with Heirloom Tomato SaladWALTER PISANOServes 4 FOR THE HERB RISOTTO:4 tablespoons unsalted butter, plus extra butter, softened, to finish2 tablespoons Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil1 white onion, finely diced1 leek, washed and finely diced1V cups Arborio rice1 gallon vegetable broth, strained and warmedFresh herbs (chives, marjoram, basil, thyme, chervil), washed and lightly choppednot finely minced Salt and white pepper to tasteFOR THE HEIRLOOM TOMATO SALAD:8 baby heirlooms, washed and cut in half1 whole heirloom, washed and cut into 1-inch piecesParmigiano-Reggiano, shavedSea salt and fresh black pepper 4 tablespoons Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive OilTO PREPARE THE HERB RISOTTO:In a heavy-bottomed sauce pot, start heating 4 tablespoons butter and 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, and add the diced white onion and leeks. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly, until they are soft. Add the rice and start toasting it. When this is done, begin to add the warm strained vegetable broth, adding a ladle at a time and stirring with a wooden spoon. Continue to slowly add the broth. When the risotto is almost done, add the fresh herbs and mix well. This process should use approximately 4 cups of broth. To test the risotto for doneness, take a little rice grain out and taste itthe rice should have a little crunch. If the risotto is too crunchy, continue to add broth, but very small amounts at a time. When the risotto is done, finish with softened butter and season with salt and white pepper.Then place into serving bowls.TO PREPARE THE HEIRLOOM TOMATO SALAD:Place the tomatoes, shaved Parmesan, salt and black pepper in a small mixing bowl. Lightly dress with 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Finish with more shaved Parmesan, gently toss all of the ingredients, and use to garnish the top of each serving of risotto. Serve immediately.68'