b'I my whole team at KCTS/Seale Public Television for all their help. I am particularly thankful to Nicole Metcalf, my prized TV producer; Lisa Moore, my book designer; and the usual suspects, Jay Parikh and Tom Niemi, who have helped me enormously in my endeavors. My wife, Nanci, was invaluable in helping me communicate my vision; without her none of this would ever exist.Lastly, I would like to thank all my family and friends who have supported me in this odyssey. I am celebrating 10 years on national television, and my shows now air in all of North America, as well as in South America and Japan. As I look back, I wonder how it all came together. This book incorporates photographs that I shot with my Konica Minolta DImage 200. These photos reveal the way in which I relate to food: For me, every ingredient is a note in a culinary symphony. Most of the travel photos were shot by my wife, Nanci, with a Minolta DImage F300. She might not know the meaning of an F/Stop, but she has a keen eye for beautiful, engaging images.'