b'I N G R E D I E N T S Alsatian SauceSugo Francese1 tablespoon buer2 tablespoons olive oil4 garlic cloves, thickly sliced In a saucepan, cook the buer, oil and garlic over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes.onion, chopped Add the onion, sweet pickles, red pepper and the red pepper flakes and cook forcup chopped sweet pickles4 more minutes. Add the apple cider vinegar. Raise the heat to high, and cook, 1 red pepper, finely diced stirring well, until it reduces by half, about 5 minutes. Add the apple juice, the broth 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes and the parsley; bring to a boil, then simmer for 35 to 40 minutes. If you like thecup apple cider vinegar sauce thicker, bring it back to a boil and add the buer-flour paste, 1 teaspoon 1 cup apple juice at a time, whisking well and waiting 1 minute before you add more of the paste. 1 cup chicken broth Continue this process until the sauce reaches the consistency you like. You do not 2 teaspoons chopped freshhave to use all of the buer-flour paste.parsley2 tablespoons soened buermixed with 2 tablespoons If you like a fancier look, strain the sauce through a fine mesh. Before you serve it, flour into a so paste pour the sauce back into the saucepan and over low heat, add 1 tablespoon of (optional) plain soened buer, stirring well until it is all melted. This will add some sheen to the sauce.81'