b'I N G R E D I E N T S Caesar Salad with PancettaInsalata con la Pancea Croccante1 tablespoon extra-light olive oil pound pancea orslab bacon, with the rind removed, cut in -inch dice3 garlic cloves, finely chopped In a small nonstick pan, add the extra-light olive oil and the pancea or dicedteaspoon salt bacon. Cook over medium heat until the bacon has nicely-browned. With a sloed 1 tablespoon anchovy paste spoon, transfer the cooked bacon to a plate lined with a paper towel. Set aside.4 tablespoons mayonnaise2 tablespoons white wine vinegar Place the garlic and salt on a chopping board and mix together, using the flat side 2 tablespoons mustard (optional) of a knife blade to mash the ingredients into a pulp. Add this mixture to a largeteaspoon pepper salad bowl.3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Add the anchovy paste, mayonnaise, white wine vinegar and pepper. For a more 3 hearts of romaine (with theintense flavor, you can add the optional mustard at this point. Using a wire whisk, 2 outer layers removed),mix the ingredients well. Continue whisking vigorously and slowly add the extra-cut into 1-inch pieces virgin olive oil in a thin stream. Continue whisking until all the ingredients arecup croutons incorporated and the olive oil has emulsified into the salad dressing.4 tablespoons grated ParmesancheeseAdd the romaine leuce, croutons and browned bacon to the bowl and mix well to coat with the dressing. Serve the salad on individual plates and top with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.33'