b'Steaks with Umbria SauceBisteccaUmbrina Chefs Tipis is a dish that can easily be substitutedUmbria Saucewith diff erent meats. 6 ribeye steaks 1-inch thickTry it with pork chops or34 tablespoons extra-light olive oil12 teaspoon salt even scaloppine of veal12 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon truffle oil or 2 small sliced trufflesor chicken.Prepare the Umbria Sauce.Salt and pepper the steaks on both sides. Heat the extra-light olive oil over high heat until it starts rippling at the top. You want to make sure the oil is extra hot before adding the steaks. Add the steaks, reduce heat to medium, and cook 3 minutes per side.Bring the sauce to a boil, add the steaks to the sauce, reduce heat to simmer and cook for 4 to 8 minutes, according to your taste.Place steaks on a serving tray. Add the optional truffles or truffle oil to the sauce, stir well, and pour over the steaks.My father Vincenzo, a friend,me, and my little brother Mariocinque 30'