b'Veal Meatballs with Emiliana Sauce Polpettine all emilianaHere is a wonderful twist on the same-old meatballs with tomato34 pound ground veal14 pound of chopped mortadella (Bologna)sauce. 6 garlic cloves, chopped34 cup bread crumbs4 tablespoons heavy cream (optional)1 large egg8 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheeseChefs Tip 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, choppedMeatballs are very1 teaspoon saltinteresting when youEmiliana Sauce mix a lot of diff erent ingredients. Try addingPlace veal, mortadella, garlic, bread crumbs, heavy cream, egg, Parmesan cheese, parsley, and salt in a bowl. With clean hands, gently combine all ingredients until well blended. Separate mixture into a small amount of8 pieces and gently form each piece into a large meatball, about 2 inches in diameter.Italian salami (dicedMake the Emiliana Sauce.small), and RomanoAdd the veal meatballs to the sauce. Bring back to a boil, stirring well, continue to simmer for one cheese to the mixturemore hour. e dish should be ready now.for a tweak of fl avor. According to personal taste, remove meatballs with a slotted spoon and set aside, reduce sauce to desired consistency. If you want, you can thicken the sauce with a mixture of softened butter and fl our, about 2 tablespoons of each.Serve the meatballs with boiled rice or mashed potatoes. Sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley.Nicolino takes a ride in his stroller undici 54'