b'Agrodolce Saucelsa all AgrodolceSaChefs Tip12 For this recipe I would like you to use only1 cup balsamic vinegar4 garlic clovesfresh rosemary. Its2 tablespoons sugarworth the diff erence.1 tablespoon fresh rosemary212 cups Chicken StockI use rosemary so muchA roux made with 2 tablespoons softened butter mixed with 2 tablespoons fl ourthat I planted a whole fi eld of it at my house! In a saucepan bring to boil over medium-high heat the vinegar, garlic, sugar, and rosemary. Cook, stirring well, until reduced by two-thirds (about 3 to 5 minutes). Add the Chicken Stock, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the sauce, return it to the saucepan, and simmer it for 10 more minutes. Add one tablespoon of the butter mixture stirring well until it thickens. If you want it thicker, add more of the mixture until it reaches the consistency you like.My fi rstCommunionA great celebration with Mom, Dad,my brother Mario,and my Aunt Buliti. sei 36'