b'Sauted Shrimp with Artichoke SauceGamberi in umido con I cariofiI love the unusual flavors produced by the artichokes in this 2 pounds medium-sized raw shrimp, peeled and deveined (2630 per pound) sauceit is really a 34 teaspoon salt34 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper fabulous combination 4 tablespoons flour of ingredients. I wonder 14 cup Parmesan cheese12 tablespoon paprika how good it would be 4 tablespoons olive oil1 14-ounce can artichoke bottoms, washed and drained and sliced thickly over pasta?! 1 cup chopped onions6 garlic cloves, thickly slicedZest of 1 lemon, grated18 teaspoon red pepper flakes1 cup white wine Chefs Tip1 cup Chicken Stock If you want to thicken 12 cup Tomato Sauce2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice the sauce even more, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley make a mixture with Pat the shrimp dry and toss with salt and pepper, flour, cheese, and paprika. Pat shrimp to shake off2 tablespoons of softened excess flour and set aside. Heat the olive oil in a large saut pan on high heat until sizzling. Quicklybutter and 2 tablespoons brown half of the shrimp on both sides, about 1 minute. Scoop the shrimp out with a slotted spoonof flour. Add one-half and repeat with the remaining shrimp. Turn the heat down to medium-low. In the same pan, saut the artichoke slices, onions, garlic, lemon zest, and red pepper flakes, until the onions andthe butter-flour mixture the artichokes start to brown, about 6 to 8 minutes. to the sauce and stir Add white wine and stir gently to dislodge any flavorful brown bits from the bottom of the pan.well. Use more of the Reduce the wine by half. Add the stock, Tomato Sauce, the lemon juice, and half of the choppedmixture according to parsley. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Bring the sauce to a boil and simmer until slightly thickened, 15 to 20 minutes. Return the shrimp to the sauce to just warm through, no more thanyour taste, and then 2 to 3 minutes. serve.Garnish with the remaining parsley. Serve over steamed rice or mashed potatoes. 41 sette'