b'forewordIt was the spring of 2000, and I had just sat down to relax for a few minutes prior tothe evening rush at my Dallas restaurant, Abacus, when I saw, for the first time, Nick Stellino on television. I remember thinking to myself how passionate and articulatehe was while demonstrating a recipe, and I immediately respected him as a chef. I arrived at Abacus later that evening and was in the kitchen talking about how great this guy Nick Stellino was when all of a sudden a hostess came back and said that I had a call. Believe it or not, it was Nick Stellino calling me at my restaurant just hours after I had seen him on TV! He happened to be in town and was planning to visitAbacus. I was shocked and couldnt believe that the voice I was hearing on the other end of the line was the exact same voice I had been intrigued with just hours before. Funny how life works sometimes. I had the pleasure of meeting Nick when he came into the restaurant. Since then, he has become much more than the person who fascinated me on TV. He has become a true friend whom I admire and look up to in so many areas of my life. Nick is an exceptional chef, and having cooked with him on several occasions, I know for a fact that you will be able to create incredible memories with the recipes featured in this book. I am honored to have been asked to write this foreword and wish Nick continued happiness and success. Congratulations, Nick, my friend! Kent Rathbun11'