b'Grasp the legs in both hands and lift up, which will snap the crab in half. You will have half of a crab in either hand. Rinse any remaining guts out.Lay the half crabs on a firm surface and with a cleaver or heavy knife cut between the legs toseparate into 10 legs and claws. Use the back side of the cleaver or knife (the non-cutting part) to smack each leg and joint gently to slightly expose the flesh of the crab. This will help the butter mixture to permeate the meat.Place a stove-top-safe roasting pan over medium heat. Combine the garlic, ginger, butter, onion, salt, red chili flakes and black pepper in the pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring often, until the garlic, ginger and onions are softened. Dont brown the mixture. Add the crab sections and stir well to coat all of the legs. Put into the oven and roast for about 12 to 15 minutes until the shells are lightly browned and take on a roasty look. Stir the garlic-butter mixture over the crab several times during the roasting processnothing fancy; just stir the crab and the garlic-butter mixture together so the crab is well coated as it roasts. Everyones oven cooks differently, so cooking times may vary.When the crab is golden brown, remove, and add the Chardonnay and lemon juice to the roasting pan. Stir the mixture well and return to the oven for 4 to 5 minutes to heat the mixture through.TO PREPARE THE ARUGULA-FENNEL SALAD:To make the salad, simply place all the ingredients in a bowl and toss well to coat all of the leaves with the vinaigrette. You can easily adjust the amount of dressing by starting with 3 to 4 tablespoons and adding more if you like.Serve this salad with the garlic-roasted whole Dungeness crab, and you will see how the tart, sweet notes, coupled with the complex flavors of the fennel and arugula, work fabulously well against the rich, buttery finish the crab provides.TO PREPARE THE CILANTRO-LIME VINAIGRETTE:Combine all the ingredients, except the two olive oils, in a blender. Turn on high and blend for about 1 minute until smooth.Turn the blender to medium-high speed, and with the lid off, drizzle the oils slowly into themixture. This will thicken and emulsify it.Immediately pour the mixture into a storage container, cover, and refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours or,if possible, overnight. The dressing needs to be well chilled.TO SERVE:Enjoy the crab paired with arugula-fennel salad.To serve the salad, mound it in your favorite salad bowl, pulling some avocado slices and nutsup to the top for garnish.128'