b'Fluke with Potato Gnocchi, Fava Beans & Mustard SauceRICK MOONENServes 44 ounces beurre mont (See accompanying recipe.)Salt and white pepper to taste2 cups potato gnocchi (See accompanying recipe.)1V cups fava beans, shucked and peeled4 tablespoons braised leeks (See accompanying recipe.)1V cups mustard sauce (See accompanying recipe.)4 teaspoons lemon juicePinch of micro mustard greens (available from specialty farmers)V teaspoon mustard oil, dividedFOR THE MUSTARD CAVIAR BASE:V cup mustard seeds3 ounces champagne vinegar or Pompeian Pomegranate Infused White Balsamic Vinegar3 ounces C&H or Domino Sugar1 cup Dijon mustard1 cup whole-grain mustardFOR THE BEURRE MONT (YIELDS 6 OUNCES):V cup water, plus more as needed6 shallots, peeled and sliced thin1 pound unsalted butter, cut into V-inch cubesFOR THE MUSTARD SAUCE:1 tablespoon mustard caviar base (See accompanying recipe.)2 ounces beurre mont (See accompanying recipe.)1 teaspoon lemon juiceSalt and pepper to tasteFOR THE GNOCCHI:Sea salt4 russet potatoes 1 to 2 eggs, whipped1 tablespoon saltAll-purpose flourW cup blending flour, such as WondraPompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil115'