b'Cover the pot and briskly simmer for 30 minutes. Add 1 cup of the remaining Red Water about every 30 minutes to keep the ribs covered with liquid. After 1 hour, or halfway through the braising process, add the sugar and stir until it is dissolved. (See Chefs Tips.) Continue to simmer briskly for another 45 minutes to 1 hour, for a total cooking time of about 2 hours. Watch the ribs carefully to prevent burning; stir occasionally to reposition the ribs, and reduce the heat if necessary.During the last 30 minutes of cooking, remove the lid to allow the sauce to reduce to a syrupyconsistency with only a little sauce left on the bottom of the pot to glaze the ribs. The rib meatshould be fork-tender, soft and succulent, but still remain on the bones.TO SERVE:Stack or arrange the ribs neatly in a warm Chinese sandy clay pot or wide serving bowl.chefs tips: This dish is better the second time around. You can prepare the ribs a day or two ahead, cover, and refrigerate. Add a little water, if the ribs appear dry, before reheating in the microwave.The sugar is added halfway through the braising stage because sugar tends to make meat seize up and toughen when added too early.CHEF STELLINOS SUGGESTED WINE PAIRING:Bodega Septima Malbec24'