b'SErvES 6 to 8Nick Stellinos 4 slices bacon, diced Magic Cornbread1 sticks butter (8 tablespoons)1 cups cornmeal, preferably yellow preheat the oven to 400 degrees.1 cups flour 4 tablespoons c&h or dominostart browning the bacon. While the bacon is cooking, melt the butter in sugar a separate pan. ive used unsalted butter for this recipe; however, salted butter would be fine, too.1 tablespoons baking powder1 teaspoons salt in a bowl, mix the cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. in a separate bowl, mix the eggs, corn syrup, agave nectar and buttermilk.2 eggs1 tablespoon light corn syrupWhen the bacon is done, place it on a paper towel to drain. add the egg 2 teaspoons c&h or dominomixture to the dry mixture, a bit at a time. Using a fork, mix it well.organic Blue agave nectar oradd the melted butter; now youll need to move quickly to prevent the eggs 1 tablespoon c&h orfrom cooking. Using a spatula, add the cheese to the mixture, then the domino sugarscallions and the optional jalapeo pepper, and finally the cooled bacon. 1 cups buttermilk pour the mixture into a loaf pan. bake the cornbread for 50 minutes, then 4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese,turn off the heat and let it sit in the oven for 10 more minutes.cut into -inch dice1 cup scallions, cut into -inch rounds1 jalapeo pepper, seeded and finely chopped (optional)100'