b'When you wear a properly crafted custom-madeThe concept of spezzatura is the display of our suit, it is as if you are wearing nothing overinner artistic self through the assembly of seemingly your body. you move unhindered by the pullinginnocuous decisionswhen these small choices, and tugging of cloth. it feels as if your body haslike the lining of our jackets, the style of tie knot learned to walk freely for the first time. we use, the type of collar we choose for our shirts, i did not understand any of these things then,the length of our jacket sleeves and, most critical but later in life i came to comprehend all theof all, the break, where our pants meet our shoes, mysterious words Mr. acampora proffered soall come together. Think of each of these details freely as he took each and every measurement. as a single brushstroke aimed at creating theperfect painting of a landscape. by themselves, some men sell and some men paint pictures withthe brushstrokes seem irrelevant, but together, words, using each word as a masterful brushstrokethey paint the picture.that helps to depict a landscape filled with theas good as it might be, an idea, a concept, if not possibility of a better reality. but Mr. acamporacommunicated properly, is nothing more than did more than that; he delivered the goods. a gust of wind. but Mr. acampora possessed the he had a melodious voice and always spoke in innate nature of a storyteller. he painted pictures sicilian dialect. While, in its raw form, it couldpeople could relate to. he was able to describe be construed as the lesser language next tothe proper sartorial choices to hide a flaw or to proper italian, Mr. acampora connected hisenhance the look of an outfit. Those men, his words together the way musicians put togethercustomers, all powerful decision makers inthe notes of a pentatonic scale to make musictheir own right, listened to him intently as he come alive. he was a true sicilian poet. guided them gently through the corridors offine-haberdashery theories, straight to the best i loved being at the haberdashery; i loved every- look to fit their image and their own innerthing about the place. i especially loved theexpectations. This tailor might have been seen ceremony of picking up the cloth for the suit, theby others as a simple tradesman, but to me he description of the wool, the selection of style was a genius. even as a small child, i knew i was and lets not forget about the spezzatura. in the presence of someone special.italians subdivide a successful outfit into a series ofi never had a suit made by Mr. acampora. he individual touches. While seemingly independentretired long before i became an adult; however,of each other, these sartorial choices define ouri often snuck into my fathers closet when he was results and are akin to the penmanship of ouraway at work and tried on his suits. i assembled written signature. These little pieces (piccolithem from scratchshirts, ties, jackets and pantspezzi), assembled together, create a look. Two menand whilst they all hung on me like a potato sack could plausibly wear the same suit, cut by thebecause of my childish small frame, in the mirror, same tailor and paired with the same ties, shoes,i saw myself handsomely garbed, just as i knew i cuff links and shirtsyet both men could lookcould look, one day in the future.totally different.36'