b'ROASTED SHRIMP,SErvES 6WATERMELON &1 7-pound watermelon (You willnot use all of the watermelon,GOAT CHEESE SALAD but 7 pounds will providesome leeway for mistakes when slicing it.)1 13-ounce goat-cheese log, cut 3 slices of the watermelon; each slice should be about 2 inchesunwrapped and chilled in the thick. Using a round cookie cutter (2 inches in diameter x 1 inchesrefrigerator until harddeep), cut as many circles as possible from each of the 3 slices. Then pound shrimp, 3135 count cut each circle into slices aboutinch thick. you should have about(total of 20 shrimp)26 to 28 watermelon slices in all. Thats more than you probably will teaspoon saltneed, but mistakes do happen, so its a good idea to have plenty of extras on handplus, if you are anything like me, youll end up tasting teaspoon peppera few along the way! set the watermelon slices aside.teaspoon onion powdercut the goat-cheese log into -inch slices. before you start, chill the teaspoon paprikacheese to make sure that it is quite hard, as that will prevent the slices5 tablespoons davinci Extrafrom falling apart as you cut them. set the slices aside. light 100% pure olive oil, Make watermelon towers by sandwiching 2 slices of goat cheesedividedbetween 3 slices of watermelon. youll have 6 towers when youre3 tablespoons freshly chopped finished. basil1 tablespoon balsamic vinegarpreheat the oven to 450 degrees.in a bowl, mix the shrimp with the spices and 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, then place in a nonstick, oven-safe pan and roast in the oven for 7 minutes. Take the pan out and let the shrimp rest for 1 minute. Top each cheese-and-watermelon tower with 3 of the shrimp. youll wind up with a couple of extra shrimp; those are for the chef to enjoy along with the unused watermelon slices!to SErvEplace the cheese-and-watermelon towers on a serving plate. Top the shrimp with fresh basil, drizzle 4 tablespoons of olive oil around the plate, and add a few drops of vinegar.109'