b'Baked Asparagus SErvES 41 pounds asparaguspreheat the oven to 375 degrees. 1 tablespoon davinci Extra light 100% pure olive oil Trim the bottom 2 inches from the asparagus spears, then peel1 tablespoon butterthe stalks.cup chicken stockplace the asparagus in a baking dish. drizzle with the olive oil; teaspoon saltadd the butter and the stock. sprinkle with the salt and pepper.teaspoon pepperbake for 15 to 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and serve.Roasted Potatoes SErvES 4 to 64 russet potatoes, peeled, cook the potatoes for 2 minutes in rapidly boiling salted water.quartered lengthwise and drain and let air-dry. large-dicedSea salt, fineonce the potatoes are dry, toss them in a bowl with salt, pepper andBlack pepperextra virgin olive oil. roast in a 400-degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes cup davinci Extra virgin until golden and crispy. olive oil71'