b'SErvES 4Trio of Salad Greens 1 recipe parmesan-Glazedwith Creamy Black croutons (See accompanying recipe.) Cherry Dressing red onion, thinly sliced and marinated in 1 cup chilled water and 2 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar for at leastto prEparE thE parMESan-GlaZEd croutonS30 minutes, then drained preheat the oven to 200 degrees. 4 ounces baby arugula saladMix all the ingredients, using 1 tablespoon of the parmesan for this step 4 ounces heart of romaine, cutand reserving the remaining tablespoon. be sure to coat the croutons well.into -inch pieces place the croutons on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 1 hour. 4 ounces radicchio, cut intoTurn off the heat, pour the croutons into a bowl, and mix with the -inch pieces remaining parmesan.1 recipe creamy Black cherry dressing (See accompanyingplace the croutons back on the tray and let them rest in the warm oven for recipe.) 1 more hour. now they are ready to be served.4 tablespoons crumbled fetato prEparE thE crEaMY Black chErrY drESSinGcheese place all the ingredients into a food processor and process for 1 to 2 minutes, until they are all amalgamated into a delicious salad dressing.parMESan-GlaZEd croutonS to aSSEMBlE thE Salad2 cups day-old bread, cut intocombine the arugula, romaine and radicchio. add the croutons and the -inch cubes slices of red onion to the salad greens and dress with half of the dressing.2 tablespoons grated parmesandivide the salad among 4 serving plates, decorating the top of each salad cheese, divided with a tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese. drizzle each plate with some ofteaspoon dried oregano the remaining dressing, and serve. teaspoon garlic powder teaspoon onion powder teaspoon paprika teaspoon pepper4 tablespoons davinci Extra virgin olive oil 80'