b'Every cowboy ate steaks hot from the barbecue and drankespresso coffee. actually, real cowboys had no idea what an espresso was, but that was something that was lost on thetranslators who dubbed the English spoken in the american Westerns into italian.For as long as i lived in italy, i thought that John Wayne spoke in italian and that he would know how to make a mean plate of pasta with aglio e olio. after i moved to the States, it did not take me too long to find out that was not true. that was a very sad moment for me.nonetheless, i kept grilling steaks and making coffee, always striving to be better at those things than i was. So it was that one day not too long ago, as i started experimenting with dry rubs,i came up with the idea of actually using espresso grounds inthe mix.i never got to meet John Wayne, but i am quite sure he would have loved this special steak of mine.57'