b'I Love Strawberrieslet me honest: in my youth, fruit was never high on my list of favorite foodsespecially if fruit was served as dessert.i mean, really, an orange or a banana instead of a slice ofricotta cheesecake? are you kidding me?Yet of all the fruits that ever populated our dinner table,there was one that, no matter when, where or how, i couldalways eat by the ton (figuratively speaking), with voracious enthusiasm.that fruit was not a banana or a pear or an orange. and im not talking about the apple, either. the fruit i am talking about was, and still is, the strawberry. But why?it was a love affair at first sight, or should i say, at first bite. While other kids slurped up vanilla and chocolate ice cream,i was a strawberry boy through and through. Strawberry tarts with pastry cream, strawberries with mint and balsamic vinegar,strawberries and sugar of any kind, anytime, anywhere. i wasinfatuated with the sweet taste of this fruit. Yet the questionremains: Why?135'