b'Steak TartareSErvES 4Semplice GrillEd toaSt14 -inch-thick slices country French breadto prEparE thE GrillEd toaSt 2 tablespoons davinci Extra brush the sliced bread with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and toast in thevirgin olive oiloven under the broiler or grill on the barbecue until toasted, about 1 minute per side. StEak tartarE1 pound new York steak, to prEparE thEStEak tartarE trimmed of all fat and cut Mix the steak and all of the other ingredients together in a stainlessinto -inch dicesteel bowl, stirring well to incorporate the flavors. (This should not be1 tablespoon davinci 100% pure done until right before you are ready to serve the tartare.) Taste, andolive oiladjust the salt and pepper to your liking. 1 egg yolkto SErvEteaspoon salt, plus more place the steak mixture into a 3-inch cookie-cutter ring about 2 inchesto tastedeep, pushing firmly to give the mixture a compact consistency. teaspoon pepper, plus more carefully lift the ring off; the steak mixture will stay in the shape of ato taste small cylinder on the plate.1 tablespoon whole-grain mustardserve with a side of arugula salad with shaved parmesan cheese and1 tablespoon fresh-squeezed the grilled toast. lemon juice1 tablespoons chopped shallotchEFS tip 1 tablespoons chopped parsleygarnish the tartare with shaved parmesan, if desired. 1 tablespoons drained capers teaspoon chopped garlic1 teaspoon anchovy paste1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce5 drops tabasco Sauce53'