b'SErvES 6 to 8 Butternut Squash Soup ButtErnut SQuaSh Soup4 tablespoons davinci Extrawith Confit of Peppers, light 100% pure olive oil Asparagus & Spicy Sausage12 garlic cloves, thickly sliced, divided8 fresh sage leavesto prEparE thE ButtErnut SQuaSh Soup1 white onion, chopped in a stockpot, heat the extra light olive oil over high heat. add 4 cloves of 2 celery stalks, choppedsliced garlic and the fresh sage leaves, and cook over medium-low heat for 2 medium carrots, peeled and1 to 2 minutes. add the onion, celery, remaining garlic, carrots, thyme and cut into -inch rounds red pepper flakes to the pot. cook over medium-high heat, stirring well,teaspoon dried thyme until the onion begins to soften, about 3 to 4 minutes.teaspoon red pepper flakes add the brandy or sherry, bring to a boil, and stir well to dislodge thecup brandy or sherry brown bits at the bottom of the pot. cook until the brandy or sherry is reduced by half, about 3 minutes. 2 pounds butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces add the pieces of butternut squash and the chicken broth, and bring to 6 cups chicken broth a boil; reduce the heat to medium-low and cook for 40 to 45 minutes, stirring well every 15 minutes. add the soup, in batches, to a food processor conFit oF pEppErS,and process it to a smooth, cream-like consistency. strain, place the soup aSparaGuS & SpicY SauSaGE back in the stockpot, and keep warm.2 tablespoons davinci Extraserve the soup in bowls and garnish with the confit of peppers, asparagus virgin olive oil & spicy sausage. Top with a generous sprinkle of shredded parmesan cheese. white onion, finely diced 1 cup spicy smoked sausage,to prEparE thE conFitcut into -inch dice cook the extra virgin olive oil over high heat until it sizzles, then lower the heat to medium-low. add the diced onion, stir well, and cook for 2 minutes,1 cup fresh asparagus, peeled andthen add the sausage, asparagus and bell pepper, and mix together. increase cut into -inch rounds the heat to medium-high and cook, stirring well, for 2 more minutes. 1 small red bell pepper,add the garlic and the red pepper flakes, and stir well for 1 minute. Then add finely diced the brandy and cook 1 more minute. 2 garlic cloves, finely choppedteaspoon red pepper flakes reduce the heat to medium-low, add the butter, and stir well until completely 2 tablespoons brandy melted. add salt and pepper to taste. add the optional truffle oil, stirring well before serving. 2 tablespoons softened butter Salt and pepper to taste set the confit aside and keep it warm until youre ready to use it. teaspoon truffle oil (optional, for an extra kick) cup shredded parmesan cheese88'