b'SErvES 4 to 6 Baked Pasta 4 cups Bolognese Meat Saucewith Bchamel (See recipe on page 23.)3 quarts water & Bolognese Sauce1 pound davinci pasta: penne, rigatoni or elbow pasta2 cups grated provolone cheese Make the bolognese Meat sauce (recipe on page 23) and keep warm.preheat the oven to 375 degrees.2 cups Bchamel Saucebring the water to a boil in a large pot and cook the pasta according to the (See recipe on page 146.)package directions. drain the pasta. in a large bowl, mix the pasta with half of the bolognese Meat sauce. choose a baking dish large enough to hold all of the pasta. spread halfof the remaining meat sauce over the bottom of the dish. pour half of the pasta-and-sauce mixture over the sauce. sprinkle half of the grated provolone cheese on top of the pasta mixture. also add half of the remaining sauce on top of the pasta.pour the remaining pasta mixture into the baking dish and repeat the same layering with the remaining grated provolone and meat sauce.Make the bchamel sauce. (see recipe on page 146.)cover the top layer of the pasta mixture with a light coating of the bchamel sauce, and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Then place under the broiler for about 3 to 4 minutes until the top begins to brown. remove from the oven and let sit for 10 minutes before serving.24'