b'I love making risottolife is never about what you get; rather, it is always about what you see.to some, risotto is nothing more than rice and chicken stock with some spices thrown in. technically thats true, but that is not what i see. i see adventureand opportunity; i see poetry and comedy; i see love, passion, patience, hope,determination and drive in each and every kernel of rice i mix into my lot.to me, making risotto is like making love. You cannot hurry it. if you want to do it right, you must take your time. You do not stir risotto; rather, you gently caress it along its course. You do not splash it with hot stock; rather, you bathe it sensually, a few drops at a time, and you watch it shimmer under the lights as it slowly puffs into the perfect consistency. You do not force spices into the mix; you gently introduce them and stir them about with the ease of a soft kiss.You do not check your watch and you do not think about tomorrow, because life,the best of what you know, is right here in front of you. it moves with the elegant flow of a gentle brook, kissing each grain of rice along the way. the ensuing flavor is that of a rare delicacy which, when done right, will draw you into a state of culinary rapture and a state of mind that will forever appease your need to rush. if risotto is made right, it makes time flow at a slower pace, it makes life taste better,and with each bite you take, it makes you believe that life can be as beautiful as your dreams. Every once in a while, when you finally can stop for a moment and take it all in, you come to realize you actually know what you are doing in the making of risotto, and that moment alone opens up your life to a world of possibilities.Yes, i love making risotto. 92'