b'i cant explain why, exactly. i would compare if you are looking for the typical cookbook, then put the sequence of these events to what happenedthis one down, because this aint your cup of tea.when i first met the woman who became my wife.This book is not about cooking. This book is about our meeting was not by design; rather, it was an dreamingdreaming about all that you can do when accidental occurrence in which i turned right you stop being scared of what can go wrong.instead of turning left, and there she was.This book is a parallel of life as i know it, a beautiful The first thing i noticed were her eyes, beautifulthing that turns around on you when you least expect it. brown eyes; then her long, gorgeous, shiny hair andThis book is about you as much as it is about me. This a smile that filled my soul with hope for an impossiblebook is about cooking with no fear, about cooking with future. The fact that she was disheveled and dressedyour soul and not with your mind. This book is about in the most unfashionable hospital uniform did notthe freedom of believing that you can do anything you even seem to enter the realm of my first impression.set your mind to . when you finally do.That is saying a lot, especially for a man like meThe fact that i speak with a funny accent and that who has a streak of formality, enormous sartoriali wear many colorful shirts and pants as i walk you self-awareness and enough vanity to go around thealong the avenue of my colorful culinary dreams . world twice. well, thats just a bonus.all of the aforementioned considerations went next time someone asks you, What makes you happy? right out the window. i did not care. i felt her gaze i hope your first response is, Life is beautiful!go right through me, and in spite of the fact she didgrab life while you can. Use this opportunity to not want to speak to me, i was inescapably smittenmake your dreams happen, and when it comeswith her. i did not care about what she was wearing;to your kitchen and my recipes, think about this:i only understood how she made me feel, with justit is never about what someone else says; it is always one glance. about who you are and what you do with your life!still, what does this have to do with this book cover? This book is about celebrating that inner colorful i used the word happy before, when describingyou, the one that you keep hidden because you are my reaction to this book cover, remember? i feltafraid of what someone else might say about you. happy because for the first time in almost 18 yearsnext time youre tempted to do that, think about and many cookbooks, i finally decided to do what isme. i might be the guy with orange pants, but when truly me and not to go with what a focus group ori cook, i cook with my soul. and that, my friend, some publishing executive thinks my cover shouldis what this book is all about.look like.Those are my orange pants on the cover. The wildMaybe my friend Lisa Moore really did know what socks are mine as well; so are the quirky shoes, andshe was doing when she put a picture of my orange i wear them often, with joyful panache. pants on the cover. but enough of this. now go to your kitchen and make something beautiful happen. i love color, i love life, i love cooking, i adore my wife.Turn your home into your favorite restaurant!9'