b'my home is my favorite restauranti really do not feel like going out tonight, my wife said.What do you mean? i asked, full of anticipation.WellShe started to say something, but it was too late. heading to the front door, i turned around, looked straight into her eyes, and said, Fine. Well do it your way. But this will cost you. You owe me big!in reality, she didnt, but dont tell her that. i figured that just like any husband, i needed to rack up some points on my side of the equation. this is one of the things you do as a husband, since you know that somehow, somewhere, you are going to mess things up without even knowing it. at such times, its good to have a Get out of Jail Free card. Yes, sir. cooking saves my life every day.So whatcha wanna eat? i asked with the best Brooklyn accent i could muster. Even though i am not from there, this accent works really well for me, especially on occasions such as this. My wife is not the only good actor in the family.i went out the front door and headed right for my local supermarket. When you get a chance like that to rack up points, you make sure it doesnt get awayespecially when you live for cooking the way i do. My ideal pastime is an evening at home, relaxing with a couple of drinks by the fireplace, our cats running around the house, a bit of winter chill in the air. Who wants to go to a noisy restaurant and wait for some rubber chicken to come out of the kitchen? My home is my favorite restaurant. So on that cool winter evening, i made pasta with shrimp. i did the cooking, and my wife made the martinis.26'