b'SERVES 4FOR THE FRENCH TOAST: 8 tablespoons unsalted butter,clarified,divided8 tablespoons C&H orDomino granulated sugar 4 large eggsTO PREPARE THE FRENCH TOAST: 1 cup cream1 teaspoon cinnamonFirst, clarify the butter. Place the butter in a saucepan and melt it slowly over 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extractlow heat. Pour the melted butter into a fat separator and let it rest; the milk solids 8 1-inch-thick slices day-old will separate out. Once the milk solids are at the bottom of the separator, pour brioche them into another container and dispose of them. The golden liquid that you Whipped cream cheese are left with is the clarified butter youll need for cooking the French toast.C&H Powdered Sugar or Whisk together the granulated sugar and eggs until smooth. Whisk in the cream, Domino Confectioners cinnamon and vanilla until combined. Sugar (optional)Fresh mint leaves, for garnish Make the French toast in two batches. Start by heating 4 tablespoons of the clarified butter in a large saut pan over medium heat until the butter starts FOR THE BUTTER-BRAISEDto foam. STRAWBERRIES & SYRUP: Transfer the egg-and-cream mixture to another receptacle, such as a pie plate 4 tablespoons unsalted butteror baking dish, for soaking the slices of bread. Place 4 slices of the bread in thecup packed C&H Golden egg-and-cream custard, immersing both sides until the bread is soaked through. Brown Sugar or Domino Remove with a slotted spatula to allow the excess custard to run off. Cook over Light Brown Sugar medium heat until the toast is golden brown on both sides and cooked through, 2 cups strawberries, cut into about 3 minutes per side. -inch-thick slicesTransfer the French toast to a baking rack set over a baking sheet andcup crme de cassis liqueur keep warm in a warm oven while you cook the second batch with the remaining butter and bread. Keep the French toast warm until ready to serve.'