b'SERVES 4FOR THE GREEN PEPPERCORN SAUCE:2 tablespoons olive oil 3tablespoonsfinelychopped shallotsOPTION TWO: 2clovesgarlic,finelychopped In a pan large enough to hold all the pieces of meat, preheat the extra light 1 tablespoons grainy mustardolive oil over high heat until it starts to sizzle. Add the meat, reduce the heat 2 tablespoons green peppercorns to medium, and cook for about 4 to 5 minutes per side, basting the steaks in brinebrine drained and with the olive oil and juices from the bottom of the pan. After turning the discardedsteaks to cook on the second side, add 1 tablespoons of butter to the pancup brandyand baste the meat as it finishes cooking. Place the cooked meat on a tray 1 cups beef stockand cover with foil; let it rest. 1 cup whipping cream tablespoonfinelychoppedPlate the steaks and pour the sauce over the top.fresh parsleyFOR THE STEAKS: SUGGESTED WINE PAIRING: 4 New York steaks (totaling SUMMUSapproximately 3 pounds),cut approximatelyinch to1 inch thick 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste 1 teaspoon pepper, or to taste 3 tablespoons extra light olive oil 1 tablespoons butter (Neededonly if Option Two is usedfor cooking the steaks;see recipe directions.) step-by-step'