b'SERVES 6 TO 86 apples, peeled and coredcup unsalted butter 1 cup C&H or Domino sugar 1 teaspoon freshly squeezedPreheat the oven to 400 degrees. lemon juice 1sheetfrozenpuffpastry,thawedCut 3 of the apples in half and 3 of the apples in quarters. Set aside.(Store-boughtisjustfine.)1 pint vanilla ice cream In a 10-inch ovenproof, nonstick saut pan set on medium-high heat, melt the butter. Add the sugar and lemon juice, and stir. Cook for 3 minutes, until the sugar mixture is a golden caramel brown color, but still somewhat SUGGESTEDgrainy in texture. Reduce the heat to medium. WINE PAIRING:Add the apple pieces to the saut pan, stirring well to coat each piece. Arrange FLORUS MOSCADELLOthe pieces in a decorative pattern in the bottom of the pan so that the cut sides DI MONTALCINO of the apples that were cut in half are all facing up. Fill the gaps between those pieces with the smaller, quartered pieces of apple. When you eventually serve this upside down, the apple slices will be the top of the pie, so make the pattern as pretty as possible. Cook for 10 minutes, uncovered. Remove from the heat and let cool slightly. Roll the sheet of puff pastry out until its large enough for you to cut a 10-inch circle from it. Place the circle of puff pastry over the apples and tuck the excess dough down inside the pan. Bake for 12 minutes, until the pastry is golden brown, puffed and crispy. Using oven mitts, carefully invert the pie onto a large serving plate. The caramel sauce is very hot, so be careful not to get it on yourself.Serve the pie hot with vanilla ice cream. step-by-step'