b'SERVES 4 TO 6 1 pound pastaelbow, cavatappior pennePreheat the oven to 400 degrees. 2 tablespoons extra virginolive oilCook the pasta al dente, drain well, set aside, and mix with 2 tablespoons 2teaspoonstruffleoil(optional) of extra virgin olive oil so that it does not stick together. 1 pound cooked lobster, cut into-inch piecesTO PREPARE THE CHEESE & BESCIAMELLA SAUCE:cup breadcrumbs In a medium saucepan, heat the milk, pepper, bay leaf, onions, salt and FOR THE CHEESE & nutmeg until the milk is steaming. Remove the bay leaf. BESCIAMELLA SAUCEIn a medium saucepan, melt the butter. Sprinkle in the flour, and stir with a (YIELDS ABOUT 2 CUPS): wooden spoon until well blended. Cook, stirring, for 2 to 3 minutes until it is 4 cups whole milka golden brown. This thin paste is called a roux. Slowly pour the steaming milkteaspoon freshly ground into the roux, whisking constantly to prevent lumps. Continue stirring over black pepper, plus additional medium heat for 3 to 6 minutes. When the mixture thickens, take it off the heat. to tasteAdd both the cheeses to the sauce, and mix well until the cheeses are melted1 bay leafinto the sauce. 1 white onion, choppedTO FINISH: Salt to tasteteaspoon grated nutmegMix the pasta, the truffle oil (if desired) and the lobster meat with three-quarters 4 tablespoons butterof the Cheese & Besciamella Sauce. Pour the pasta into a greased baking dish in 4tablespoonsall-purposeflour two layers, topping each layer with a portion of the remaining sauce. Top it all 1 pound mild Cheddarcheese, with breadcrumbs. cut in small dice1 pound sharp Cheddar cheese, Reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees and cook for about 25 minutes. cut in small dice SUGGESTED WINE PAIRING: PRINCIPESSA GAVIA GAVI step-by-step'