b'SERVES 6 TO 8 FOR THE CHICKEN SOUP:6 tablespoons olive oil1cupfinelydicedcarrots TO SERVE:cup chopped onion Serve the meatballs and chicken soup in deep bowls, topping each serving 6 garlic cloves, thickly sliced with a tablespoon or so of grated Parmesan cheese, if desired.teaspoonredpepperflakes teaspoon dried thyme teaspoon dried sage CHEFS TIPTHE IMPORTANCE OF STIRRING:teaspoondriedmarjoram Stirring well might appear to be nothing more than a tedious chore. teaspoondriedoregano While repetitive, however, it is important to ensure the even cooking ofteaspoon salt all the ingredients. By stirring properly, we prevent the food from stickingteaspoon pepper to the bottom of the pan, especially when we cook with high heat. Yet, for me, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh it also fulfills a childlike fascination, a need to be connected, to be more parsley involved with the food that I am preparing. Sometimes I dream that I am a 12 cups chicken stock maestro, conducting a symphony of culinary delights. To add drama to the 8 tablespoons grated Parmesan whole process, often I bang on the side of the pan while I stir, as if keeping cheese (optional) tempo with a melodramatic aria. While this does absolutely nothing to FOR THE MEATBALLS: improve the flavor, it works well as a means of impressing casual onlookers.1 pound ground chicken,preferably dark meat SUGGESTED WINE PAIRING: 4 garlic cloves, chopped OTTOCENTONERO LAMBRUSCO1 cup grated grana Padano,Parmesan or pecorino cheese1 cups bread soaked in milk,excess liquid squeezed out1 cup Italian-style breadcrumbs(optional)1 medium egg1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley step-by-step'