b'SERVES 4FOR THE MINTED ZUCCHINI WITH GARLIC:6 tablespoons olive oil 6 medium zucchini, cut in-inch diceTO PREPARE THE HALIBUT:6 garlic cloves, thickly slicedMake a spice mixture with the salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder,teaspoon saltsugar and paprika. Brush a little extra light olive oil over both sides of eachteaspoon pepperhalibut fillet; this will help the spices adhere to the fish and will help it cook teaspoonredpepperflakes quickly. Sprinkle the spice mixture gently over both sides of each fillet. 1 tablespoons chopped fresh basil 1 tablespoons chopped fresh In a nonstick saut pan, bring 2 tablespoons extra light olive oil to a sizzle parsleyover medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the 1 tablespoons chopped fresh minthalibut fillets. Cook 2 to 3 minutes per side. During the last 2 minutes 1 cups vegetable stock or of cooking, add the softened butter to the fish to baste and glaze it.chicken stock2 tablespoons butterTO SERVE:For each serving, place the zucchini mixture in the FOR THE HALIBUT: middle of a dish and top with a seared fillet.teaspoon saltteaspoon pepperCHEFS TIP:1 teaspoon onion powderFor extra flavor, add a crushed garlic clove to the oil in which you will 1 teaspoon garlic powder cook the fish. Discard the garlic once the fish is cooked.teaspoon C&H orDomino sugar SUGGESTED WINE PAIRING:teaspoon paprikaCERULLI SPINOZZI CERASUOLO DABRUZZO2 tablespoons extra light olive oil,plus more for brushing onfillets4halibutfillets,45ounceseach1 tablespoon softened butterstep-by-step'