b'SERVES 6 TO 8FOR THE ROASTED EGGPLANTS: Once the eggplant halves have finished roasting, dry the eggplant slices with 4 eggplants, about 1 pounds eacha paper towel and line another sheet pan with parchment paper. Brush thetablespoon salt, dividedpaper and the eggplant slices with the remaining olive oil and cook them 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided in the oven for 25 to 35 minutes, until golden brown. Set aside. 4 eggs 1 cup grated Pecorino cheeseUsing a large spoon, scoop the cooked flesh out of the roasted eggplant halves. 1 cups Italian-style breadcrumbs, Discard the skin and place the flesh in a colander with a bowl underneath to dividedcatch the juice. Let drain for 40 minutes, stirring once. Save 1 cup of the juice 1 tablespoon butterthat has drained from the eggplant to use in the sauce. Discard the rest orpound crumbled goat cheesesave it for other uses. FOR THE ROASTEDNow were ready to assemble our terrine. EGGPLANT SAUCE: 2 cups tomato saucePreheat the oven to 400 degrees. 1 cup reserved roastedeggplant juice 2 teaspoons C&H or Separate the 4 eggs. Mix the yolks, Pecorino cheese and 1 cup of the breadcrumbs Domino sugar with the roasted eggplant flesh. Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basilthen fold them gently into the eggplant mixture. 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint Rub the inside of a standard glass loaf pan (8 x 4 x 2 inches) with the 1 tablespoon olive oil butter and coat with the remaining breadcrumbs. Line the bottom of the loaf 6tablespoonsfinelydicedcelery pan with the 2 largest slices of the reserved eggplant; place the remaining slices around the edges, standing up and overlapping slightly. They should extend above the rim by about a third of their length so that you can fold them over the roasted filling.'