b'A sweet victory has been declared for those who choose to use a zero calorie Zingspiration for calorie-conscioussweetener, but do not want to sacrifice great taste. Born Sweet TMZingZero baking enthusiasts looking forTMCalorie Stevia Sweetener is made with a sweetening alternative hasreal ingredients-nothing artificial, and offers a perfect sweet taste that arrived! Born Sweet TM Zing is sure to delight. Zing Zero Calorie TMStevia Sweetener has the sweetness Baking Blend, a stevia andfound in Mother Natures stevia plant, which means Zing was born sweet.pure cane sugar blend, at onlyZero Calories and zero artificial 5 calories per serving will delightingredients make Zing perfect for adding a delicious sweetness to your bakers with its pure sweet tastefavorite foods and drinks throughout the day. Sprinkle it and discover theand exceptional performance in zero calorie stevia sweetener that is the kitchen, baking and browningwinning smiles every day.like sugar. Made from only real ingredients-nothing artificial, Zing Baking Blend in an easy-pour canister for quick measuring is sure to please the most discriminating bakers with its perfect sweet taste and golden-brown triumphs from the oven.'