b'SERVES 4 FOR THE CORN & APPLE SALSA:6 cobs corn, grilled or boiled(See directions.) Start by making the dressing.Extra light olive oil (optional; forbrushing the corn if grilling)Chili powder (optional; for TO PREPARE THE TEQUILA DRESSING:sprinkling on corn if grilling) Heat the sugar, vinegar, tequila and chili powder in a saucepan. Cook over 2 red bell peppers, seeded and medium-high heat, stirring well, until the mixture has reduced by one-third. cut in -inch dice Remove from the heat and let cool. Set aside.2 red or green jalapeo peppers,seeded and mincedTO PREPARE THE CORN & APPLE SALSA:6 scallions, cut into -inch slices Grill or boil the corn. If grilling, brush the corn with extra light olive oil and 1 red apple, cored and cut in sprinkle with chili powder, then grill on a preheated barbecue over medium-high -inch dice heat for 9 minutes, rotating the cobs every 3 minutes, or until done to your liking. 1 red onion, minced If boiling, add the cobs to boiling water, cover the pot, and cook for 3 minutes.2clovesgarlic,finelychopped3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil When the corn is cool enough to handle, cut the kernels from the cob and 1 teaspoon salt add them to a bowl large enough to hold the salsa. To the same bowl add the 1 teaspoon pepper peppers, scallions, apple, onion and garlic. Mix in the extra virgin olive oil, then mix in the cooled Tequila Dressing. Season with salt and pepper. You may FOR THE TEQUILA DRESSING: serve the salsa immediately, or cover and refrigerate it for an hour at most. 4 tablespoons C&H or Bring to room temperature and serve, topped with a crab cake or two. Domino sugar3 tablespoons white vinegar cup tequila1 teaspoon chili powder'